I mainly disagree everything.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jukolan viesti, Orienteering, Finland

Jukola is the world largest orienteering relay. Venlojen Viesti is female relay with 4 shift and Jukolan viesti is mens relay with 7 shifts, where the shortest is 7.5km and longest part from seven is more than 15km. I ran 5th part and it was 7.63 km. That was good, because relay was just one week after Stockholm Marathon. Timo, my brother was in excellent shape and ran 7th shift (the last one) with excellent time.
Well, before mens relay there was ladies running in the forest and with new GPS technology also orienteering has started to approach more watcher friendly way to follow-up what is on-going so from the big LCD-screen we were able to found out what is on-going in the forest.... each of the top team members carried GPS positioning equipment, which was sending the location real time and that line was drawn to the map, which was on-date, so it was very visible to see, what kind of route selections each of the top members have done in the forest.